Your Ultimate Boating Resource
How safe is the drinking water on cruise ships?
Do cruise ships clean their own water?
Is the water in a cruise ship bathroom safe to drink?
How do Navy ships purify water?
What should be done if a boat starts taking on water?
What is the term for a boat moving on water?
Do boat toilets discharge waste into the water?
Is it better to keep a boat in or out of water?
Which kayak is ideal for rough water?
Is it possible to go down a waterfall in a kayak?
Is it normal for a kayak to take on water?
What happens when a boat is driven into a waterspout?
What should be done if a dive boat leaves someone behind in the water?
If a boat engine gets submerged in freshwater, is it ruined?
What is the process of building a cement boat ramp into a body of water?