Your Ultimate Boating Resource
Can U-boats fire underwater?
What is the maximum duration a WW2 U-Boat could remain submerged?
What are the cutters, boats, and aircraft of the United States Coast Guard?
Which British ship sank the most German U-boats?
What method did ships use to detect U-boats?
Is fishing allowed on a United States Navy ship?
Why were submarines difficult to defeat?
Do United States Navy ships catch fish to feed the crew?
Which rates within the United States Coast Guard are responsible for search and rescue?
Do coast guards reside on the base?
Can the United States survive without the Coast Guard?
Which provides better police training, the Coast Guard or the Army?
What is the power level of the United States Coast Guard?
What is the reason for the establishment of the United States Coast Guard?
What is the extent of the United States Coast Guard’s patrol range?