Why do sailing boats have two steering wheels?

Sailing boats, also known as sailboats, have been a popular mode of transportation and recreation for thousands of years. These boats are designed to be propelled by the wind and the movements of the water. And just like any other vessels, sailing boats come in various shapes and sizes, each with its unique features.

One thing that you may have noticed about sailing boats is that they often have two steering wheels. This may seem odd at first glance, but actually, there are good reasons why sailboats have two steering wheels.

Enhancing Visibility

One of the primary reasons why sailing boats have two steering wheels is to improve visibility. When you’re steering a sailboat, you need to be able to see where you’re going clearly. Having two steering wheels placed on either side of the boat means that the captain can switch sides depending on the prevailing wind conditions or reduce the glare due to the sun’s reflection on the water.

Better Control

Sailing boats typically have a large sail area, thus, and the captain needs to have complete control over the vessel to navigate effectively. Having two steering wheels allows the captain to control the boat’s spin and directions by adjusting their position in response to the wind and water currents. Moreover, the dual setup enables the captain to steer the vessel effectively in different working environments and be more versatile on the boat’s handling.


Safety is always a top priority when dealing with sailing boats. Steering a vessel in difficult weather conditions or a sudden gale requires experience, vigilance, and quick reaction time. In an emergency, the captain needs to react quickly to prevent capsizing or to navigate through troubled water. Dual steering wheels provide backup in case of any damage to the main steering mechanism.

Having two steering wheels is essential for sailing boats to operate effectively and safely. It improves visibility, enhances control, and provides redundancy, especially in emergency situations. So, the next time you step aboard a sailboat with two steering wheels, you know that it is an intentional design feature, and not just a coincidence.

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