Is it best to go fishing just before, during, or after a rain shower?

Fishing is an activity that many people enjoy, and the weather can sometimes play a significant role in the success of a fishing trip. One weather condition that often sparks debate among anglers is rain. Some anglers believe that fishing just before a rain shower is the best time to catch fish, while others claim that the best time to fish is during or after a rain shower. In this article, we’ll investigate whether it’s best to go fishing just before, during, or after a rain shower.

Fishing before a rain shower

Some anglers believe that the best time to fish is just before a rain shower. The theory behind this is that the barometric pressure drops when a storm is approaching, which can make fish more active and easier to catch. Additionally, rain can help wash food into the water, drawing fish to feed in the area. However, in some cases, fish may become more elusive just before a storm, so it’s not always a safe bet.

Fishing during a rain shower

Fishing during a rain shower can seem like an unpleasant experience, but many anglers have reported success during this weather condition. The rain can make fish more active in the water, and the sound of raindrops hitting the water can help mask the noise of the angler, making it easier to sneak up on fish. However, the excess water running off into the water can also make it harder to see or hear when fish are biting, and if the rain becomes too heavy, it can make it challenging to fish.

Fishing after a rain shower

Many anglers believe that fishing after a rain shower is the best time to catch fish. The rain can help wash insects and other food sources into the water, making fish more active and easier to catch. Additionally, the excess water runoff can help create currents that can help move fish toward an angler’s bait or lure. However, fish may also become more hesitant to bite after a rain shower, so it’s not always guaranteed to be successful.

So, what’s the verdict?

Overall, there is no definitive answer to whether it’s best to go fishing just before, during, or after a rain shower. The weather can be unpredictable, and different species of fish will react to weather conditions differently. The most successful anglers keep an eye on the weather, research the species of fish they want to catch, and experiment with different techniques and bait to see what works best. In the end, a successful fishing trip depends on a combination of factors, including weather, location, timing, and skill.

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