How to winterize an inboard boat motor?

If you own an inboard boat motor, it is critical to take the necessary steps to winterize it to prepare for the colder months. Here are the steps on.

Step 1: Preparation

Before you begin, stock up on the essentials. You will need antifreeze, fogging oil, and a fuel stabilizer.

Step 2: Drain the Engine

Drain the engine of all water and oil. Begin by removing the drain plugs and allowing all the water to drain completely. This step should be done while the engine is still warm so the remaining water will evaporate. Once drained, replace the plugs.

Step 3: Add Antifreeze

Add antifreeze to the engine. There are a few ways to do this, but the recommended method is to use a special kit that allows the antifreeze to be pumped through the engine. Alternatively, you can use a bucket with a hose and pour the antifreeze into the hose while the engine is running. You want to make sure the antifreeze reaches all areas of the engine.

Step 4: Fog the Engine

Once the antifreeze has been added, it is important to fog the engine. This step involves spraying fogging oil into the carburetor until the engine stalls. Doing this helps to prevent rust and corrosion.

Step 5: Fuel Stabilizer

Add fuel stabilizer to the gas tank. This is important to prevent the fuel from breaking down over time, which can cause damage to the engine.

Step 6: Battery

Finally, disconnect the battery and store it in a warm, dry place. This will help to extend the life of the battery and prevent any damage that could occur from the cold weather.

Taking the steps to winterize your inboard boat motor is essential to ensure it remains in good condition and is ready to use when the warmer weather returns. By following these simple steps, you can protect your investment and enjoy your boating experience for years to come.

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