Do sailors in modern navy bathe in fresh or salt water?

Sailors in the modern navy have access to both fresh and saltwater for bathing. The type of water used for bathing depends on the ship’s design and capabilities.

Most naval vessels are equipped with desalination units that convert saltwater into fresh water for drinking and washing. However, these units can have limitations on output, which means that fresh water is rationed and reserved for essential use such as drinking and cooking.

Therefore, it is common practice for sailors onboard naval ships to take “navy showers” which means wetting the body down with a bit of fresh water, turning off the shower, lathering up with soap, and then rinsing off with saltwater. This method not only saves fresh water, but it also helps remove excess salt from the skin.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some larger ships such as aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships are fitted with massive reverse osmosis systems that can produce up to 400,000 gallons of fresh water per day. These ships do not have to be as cautious about using freshwater.

Additionally, some sailors onboard submarines do not have access to a source of freshwater due to the confined space and limited resources available. For those sailors, they must strictly use saltwater for all their bathing needs.

Overall, sailors in the modern navy have access to both fresh and saltwater for bathing purposes, but it ultimately depends on the ship’s design and capabilities. Regardless, whether it is fresh or saltwater, personal hygiene is essential for the wellbeing and morale of sailors onboard naval vessels.

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