Do large fish follow cruise ships?

Cruise ships are a popular way for people to explore the world’s oceans and take in the beauty of the surrounding marine life. However, a common misconception among travelers is that large fish follow these massive vessels.

While it is true that cruise ships can attract some fish, the idea that they follow these boats for miles on end is largely a myth. The reality is that fish are attracted to any object in the water – whether it’s a natural reef, a sunken ship, or a cruise ship. These fish are often just stopping by the ship for a quick visit before moving on to more food-rich areas.

The reason for why fish are drawn to cruise ships is not entirely clear. Some speculate that the fish are searching for food scraps that have been thrown overboard by passengers or crew members. Others believe that the fish are attracted to the ship’s hull, which can create a mini ecosystem that provides a habitat for smaller marine life.

While large fish may not follow cruise ships for hours on end, there have been documented cases of smaller fish schools following ships for short periods of time. This is known as a “pilot fish” behavior, where a school of small fish travel alongside larger marine creatures for protection and food.

It is important to note that feeding fish from cruise ships is not only prohibited by law but also poses a threat to the natural ecosystem. Food scraps can disrupt the natural feeding patterns of marine life, and can even cause illness or death in some fish.

While it may be exciting to believe that large fish follow cruise ships for miles on end, the reality is that this is largely a myth. Fish are attracted to any object in the water, and while a cruise ship can provide a temporary stopover for marine life, it is not the cause for fish following these massive boats. As always, it is important to respect the natural habitat of marine life and practice responsible boating and fishing practices.

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