Blue Fox Pixee Spoon Review

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Blue Fox Pixee Spoon

A highly sought-after equipment in the Great Lakes trolling scene is the Rattlin’ Pixee® Spoon from Blue Fox®. The spoon now features a distinct ‘rattlin’ egg sac’ insert, enhancing both sight and sound attraction for an optimal fishing experience. The offer boasts multiple attractions such as:

  • Holographic finish
  • VMC® hooks that are exceptionally sharp
  • Additional siwash hook designed especially for salmon

This spoon is recognized as the leading salmon casting spoon in Alaska, showing commendable efficiency in Great Lakes trout and salmon trolling spreads as well. Characteristics that contribute to the Pixee Spoon’s efficacy include:

  • Heavy, precision brass construction allowing for long casts and depth in currents
  • A high-speed retrieve feature without blowouts
  • Light-reflecting hammered finish
  • A vibrant Glo-Sac insert for additional color and natural attraction
  • Heavy-duty hardware
  • Extremely sharp black nickel VMC® treble, providing excellent penetration
  • A proper-sized siwash hook for convenient exchange

Indeed, the Blue Fox Pixee Spoon is a trusted choice for both trout and salmon fishing. Its functionality extends to casting in current or trolling in lakes, making it a versatile piece of fishing equipment to consider.

Where to Buy:
Blue Fox Pixee Spoon
Blue Fox Pixee Spoon
Blue Fox Rattlin Pixee Spoon
Blue Fox Rattlin Pixee Spoon
Blue Fox Pixee Spoon
Blue Fox Pixee Spoon

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