Attwood Navy Anchor Review

Where To Buy:

Attwood Navy Anchors

Attwood creates high-quality Navy Anchors which are built from gray cast-iron. These anchors are carefully designed to combine weight with flukes. This combination allows them to dig in and hold firmly in sand and mud. A notable aspect of these anchors is their shank. It has a reverse action that enables quick retrieval of a fouled anchor. They come in both aluminum painted and black PVC-coated finishes.

Specifications of the Anchors

  • Attwood 9934-1 Navy Anchors

    This anchor weighs 15 lbs and comes with the aluminum painted finish.

  • Attwood 9935-1 Navy Anchors

    This anchor weighs 20 lbs and is also finished with aluminum paint.

Where to Buy:
Attwood Navy Anchor
Attwood Navy Anchor
Attwood 15lb. Aluminum Painted Navy Anchor
Attwood 15lb. Aluminum Painted Navy Anchor
Attwood Navy Anchor - 15Lb - Aluminum Painted - 9934-1
Attwood Navy Anchor - 15Lb - Aluminum Painted - 9934-1
Attwood Navy Anchor - 20Lb - Aluminum Painted - 9935-1
Attwood Navy Anchor - 20Lb - Aluminum Painted - 9935-1

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