Kayak paddles are a crucial piece of equipment for any kayaking enthusiast. They are the primary means of maneuvering your kayak through the water, and selecting the right paddle can greatly enhance your kayaking experience. But one thing many kayakers wonder is if their kayak paddles will float should they become separated from them. So,?
Yes, kayak paddles should float! Kayak paddles are typically made of materials that are buoyant, such as carbon fiber or lightweight aluminum. This makes them less likely to sink to the bottom of the water in case of accidental loss or capsizing.
That being said, you shouldn’t solely rely on a paddle’s natural buoyancy to retrieve it should it become separated from you. It’s always a good idea to use a paddle leash or tie a string to your paddle, securing it to your kayak to prevent it from floating away. This not only ensures that your paddle stays with you, but it can also prevent it from being lost or breaking if it collides with rocks or other obstacles in the water.
Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the more freshwater seeps into the internal elements of the paddle, the heavier it’s going to be. This can cause the paddle to slowly sink to the bottom of the water, so it’s important to dry off your paddles after each use and store them in a dry area.
Kayak paddles should float, but it’s always smart to secure them to your kayak with a leash or string. After use, make sure to properly dry off your paddle and store it in a dry area to prevent any water from accumulating inside. By taking these precautions, you can ensure your paddles will be ready to take on your next kayaking adventure!